Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pentecost A (June 12, 2011)

Looking back at the event called Pentecost (Acts 2:1-21) I have been affirmed and uplifted by David Lose' Working Preacher blog. One of my deepest connections to Celtic Spirituality is that it refuses any attempts to 'tame' the Holy Spirit by imaging her as a dove. For the Celtic Christians, the Spirit is and always will be the 'Wild Goose,' untamed, unpredictable, and (once we open our ears to her) demandingly raucous! 

David captures that truth about Holy Spirit is listing two paradoxes of how we have come to (comfortably!) 'settle in' to Pentecost celebrations. 
    The first: Holy Spirit comes NOT to solve our problems, but to CREATE them
    The second: Holy Spirit does NOT PREVENT failure, but INVITES it

Seventeen months ago the congregation I serve was brought up short (as was I) to have our financial situation put in very stark black and (red?) white, with the only solution forseeable to reduce the terms of call for the pastor to 60% time. 

I would not be able to stay on at that rate.

Less anxious minds were gathered and a plan to move forward over three years was proposed and accepted (but only by a margin of about 2 to 1) at a special congregational meeting that February. Yet through the extended additional stewardship campaign that preceded that meeting and the work of Holy Spirit throughout the remaining spring, we stepped out into a risky venture we absolutely KNEW we could not sustain on our own: to open an emergency food ministry run by private donations, available to anyone in need, AND to be a Food Pantry for the county Food Bank, with monthly distributions of government food. 

We helped our first 4 families one year ago next Saturday. And a month later I left on vacation, feeling very unsettled about my future ministry in that place.

When I am at the beach I am renewed in many ways. One of my personal paradoxes is that only at the beach does my internal clock waken me to go watch (and shoot) the sunrise. That Tuesday morning I had a profound experience which I will share this morning with the congregation. 

What an odd cloud strata

(moment of awareness)

A window into heaven?

Or a window to us?

Oh! God's eye shining a profoundly felt message:
Do not worry

I am watching over you

I am watching out for you

I do not slumber

Nor do I sleep

I am with you always



My Pentecost prayer is that we all continue to face the Spirit's problems, accept her invitation to risk failure or setbacks, and be daily renewed and strengthened to let God be God. Only then can we be the Pentecost people we are called to be. 

PS: We are now serving about 40 families regularly, giving additional food at distributions from our food ministry called 'Feeding the Flock'. We have distributed boxes and bags of gently used clothing, a bicycle (complete with helmet) and other children's toys. We have outgrown our freezer and are buying another. And we have friends and neighbors coming to volunteer and help out, even some strong young men who unload bigger and bigger pallets each month. And we have yet to use a single dollar from our church budget. 

To God be the glory!!! 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Easter 7A / Ascension  (June 5, 2011)

I'm a little 'after the fact' this week, but had been mulling it over in my mind for several days and feel it's still worth posting. In considering the texts from Acts 1 and 1 Peter I am in debt to Fr. Rick Morley's a garden path blog. I was already 'seeing' the cloud in my mind and considering various perspectives that it was a fulcrum (of sorts) for.

And a whole lot of song lyrics were floating about in that consideration. 

flying to Boise, ID 2009 

Sunset at 35,000 feet

Music lyrics by Lady Gaga (Edge of Glory) started off Rick's blog; I had been thinking in terms of Joni Mitchell's Both Sides Now. (Is my generation showing?) For some reason the old Ray Coniff Singers cover of I'll Be Seeing You (I was VERY young when my parents were playing that LP!) came to mind as a nostalgic view of Jesus' ascension which spun off to a more realistic imagining the disciples paraphrasing The Clash: Will you stay or will you go?

Western PA

But the cloud isn't the main thing; the main thing is the presence and glory of God in Jesus and promised in the gift of Spirit.

at 45,000 feet over the Atlantic

Where is it that you most easily 'see' God's glory?

Bethany Beach, DE

What does the experience feel like?

Bethany Beach, DE

How do we share that glory and presence with others?