Saturday, December 10, 2011

Advent 3B (December 11, 2011: Colossians 1:15-20)

Well, I stumbled again last week -- got this part written, but was stumped on the pictures! Now I know what they should be ... will be going back and slipping that in before finishing and posting this one.

This week is the well-known 'Christ Hymn', and the theme, 'Jesus, Our God'. The text claims Christ is 'the image of the invisible God... for in him the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him God was pleased to reconcile all things ....' 

Can you even begin to wrap your brain around that? The people who looked into Jesus' eyes were looking into the very eyes of God? That all of us were created through him and for him? That we have been reconciled to God through him only because he made peace for us through the blood -- through his willing and sacrificial crucifixion -- of the cross? That we are a new people, people of God, the church, only because he is the second Adam, the first-born, and our Head.

The question I hear this week: because he is also fully human, have we 'shrunk' Jesus from awesome, holy, powerful God to a biddable companion along the way? Or, because he was born as a tiny, helpless baby, are we perhaps unable to fully see that Jesus, the tiny baby, is our God; the only one able to save us and restore our relationship to God? 

Have you glimpsed the divine image projected onto the canvas of our humanity (especially in the very young) in your life lately?

And how is it that our youngest ones seem to feel that they are in charge of us?

In the midst of this very deep and profound theological concept, I hear the laughter of the universe pouring forth from our most mischievous God. 
      " Look to the little ones ....."

Godly play: peek-a-boo
Nap time?
NAP time???
I am NOT pleased...
Where are our minions? We want service! Anyone listening?

How many adults does it take to photograph two toddlers?
In the midst of trying and polarizing theological debate in my denomination, I step back in faith from the fray and encourage the people God has given me to minister to and with. I try to encourage them to discern the way Christ is leading them, the direction of their particular life ministry, and to go there.  

Am I concerned about individuals? Of course. Am I concerned about the future of the church? Not at all. There will always be a church, Paul makes that clear here. There cannot be a head without a body... and Christ's body IS the church. Will it necessarily be MY beloved church the way I like it? Does it really matter? Alleluia!

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