Pentecost Sunday (May 27, 2012) Acts 2:1-21
And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like
the rush of a violent wind, and it
filled the entire house where they
were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared
among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with
the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability. Acts 2:2-4
I rarely encounter the Holy Spirit as a gentle dove, soaring delicately through the sky. But on at least one occasion I did -- in Scotland on the ferry from Oban to Mull en route to Iona in 2008.
She was obviously skilled at catching the wind-wake we were creating, and rode it for probably a good ten minutes, as close as five feet above me, as far as 30 feet to port. It was a mystical time of contentment and joyful picture-taking.
I pause to share them today, mindful that this past year Holy Spirit has been quite loud and determined, pushing and even biting me at times. And it is good that she has been so, for I am prone to catching the visions and then not getting around to acting on them.
Bring it on, Holy Spirit, you Raucous Gal! We need you!
Over my head.... !!!! |
Praying for an absence of Greek Blessings! |
Perfect Wing Angle for Drafting |
Or maybe this is???? |
Thought this one was my favorite of all .... | least until I saw this one. Blow us all where you will, where God wills! |
Pushing us from behind, biting at our heels ... or leading from in front, wings arched gracefully, the Spirit does indeed will us to do as God desires. After decades of denying her entrance to our sanctuaries she has become accustomed to hijacking us unawares ... starting emerging groups ... new church plants ... Hot Metal churches! We have no power to withstand her. Nor do I care to!
And in some daring congregations, the doors and windows have opened just a crack .... but it is more than enough of an invitation for her. Stand back and hold your breath, because a mighty wind is about to blow through! And with a raucous roar like ten thousand wild geese all honking and squealing as one, she swoops in, and the miracles begin! The hungry are being fed! Cold cups of water are being given in Christ's name! All manner of constraining bonds are being loosed that those previously held captive might now soar free. Relationships are being born and nurtured as people and neighborhoods, 'patches!,' are visited with love and care and prayers and the same gifts or activities you'd plan for your loved ones. (Folks KNOW when it's the same or when it's less .... even when it's more, which is just as bad.)
How is this raucous old Gal alive and at work in your life? in the life of your congregation or Bible Study or circle or choir or worship team or mission team? Where are you already 'getting' it? And where have you been 'MISSING IT BY A MILE SO FAR???????' I only have one good answer .... can you hear it???????????
HONK!!!! HONK!!!!
HONK!!!!!! HONK!!!!!!
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